Sunday, June 15, 2008


today is father's day and it is a beautiful day. i was outside this morning and couldn't help but notice the glorious sun rays. the wonderful smell of grass with the signs of dew on its top. the way our dog proudly pranced around the yard. the way my husband woke up smiling. the happy look on the kids face when they saw donuts in the kitchen. as all these things played together so blissful, i thanked the Lord for this day. for father's, for dads, grandpas and Him. so as today is the day we appreciate our father's, i would like to say thank you to the Father who makes all of this possible. not only is this a day of earthly father's, this is a day in which i would like to stop, look and love You without ever stopping, knowing that you have never left my side. seeing you in the details...