Friday, June 20, 2008


tonight at 6:59 is the official beginning of summer. and the longest day of daylight i might add. enjoy being outside and don't forget the off bug spray. oh and the sunscreen, oh and plenty of fluids. have a great day enjoy vacation and mission trips and church camp !!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008


today is father's day and it is a beautiful day. i was outside this morning and couldn't help but notice the glorious sun rays. the wonderful smell of grass with the signs of dew on its top. the way our dog proudly pranced around the yard. the way my husband woke up smiling. the happy look on the kids face when they saw donuts in the kitchen. as all these things played together so blissful, i thanked the Lord for this day. for father's, for dads, grandpas and Him. so as today is the day we appreciate our father's, i would like to say thank you to the Father who makes all of this possible. not only is this a day of earthly father's, this is a day in which i would like to stop, look and love You without ever stopping, knowing that you have never left my side. seeing you in the details...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

it's summertime

whether i was ready or not school is out and the kids are home.
all of them worked very hard to enjoy this time off. our summer is filled with mission trips to michigan, falls creek and latham springs. lets not forget the fair in just a very few short days. so the bags are ready to be packed, the alarm clock has been turned off ( well except for the fact that the dog still thinks she gets fed at 5:30. a task i happily turned over to her human "mom" taylor). and time to sleep in and stay up late has arrived. right now the kids and keith are at the sand lot playing a little game of catch. so taylor and i are enjoying the house being a little less active. well the washer and dryer are going full speed ahead as well as the a/c and the television. well, so not totally a less active house, just the normal rumblings going on. so as i'm off to complete some regular duties i wish you a very happy summmer and pray that you have the energy to complete all the goings on in your day... :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

wondering ...

i am sitting here tonight, wondering ... well i am wondering quite a lot. why i haven't allowed myself to cry. why i haven't totally submitted myself to Christ. why i have hit a wall with acceptance. why i have become tolerant of disrespect. why i only allow faith to show up when i am too ignorant to understand how i got there in the first place. and most off all i am wondering what does Jesus see in me that i am missing ? Lord if you could give me a glimpse of what you see in me , wow !! wouldn't that solve a lot. i feel the Maker beconing the made. i crave to find rest in You. so i can pray, i can read, yet i realize, in my small brain, that all knowledge is pointless if i am not hearing the voice of my Savior. so as i listen to the screaming of the alarm clock at 5:30, the radio on in the car, the television throughout the day, have i drowned out the voice that i long to hear the most? that really let that soak in my head for a minute... i have to make the time to seek His will. i have to seek His face and maybe, just maybe i will recognize His voice. this is something that , if you would please pray for me. i really think that i have just gotten confused with all that is running past me. as i am writing this, He spoke to me, through my husband. keith was on his way to behave as only can be described as fleshly. he walked back in the door after being gone a little while and told me that "my prayer was heard, whatever that means." this was a time when i had really prayed with my heart as only i know that He could know. keith didn't know why he needed to tell me that, but he did. didn't make sense to him, but it meant everything to me. that He is listening to me... now i need to listen to Him.

joshua is 10...

on saturday, may 31, we took joshua and a friend of his to a texas rangers baseball game.
he had a wonderful time and said "it was the best birthday ever." after the game, there was a fireworks show that was beautiful. so the rangers won, and my little man was happy. :)
i love you joshua...